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World and Foreign Languages

Our world language courses are only available to students who have registered for one or more additional classes. Individual course enrollment is not allowed.

Spanish 1

This two-semester course for high schools students allows for an individualized development of the Spanish language through the study of the core grammatical structures and the vocabulary necessary for elementary communication. Spanish I also provides students with an introduction into the traditions and customs of Spanish-speaking people across the world.

Spanish 2

This two-semester course is designed for students who have successfully completed Spanish I. High frequency, thematic, and contextualized vocabulary is presented in each unit. Grammar is presented through structured practice and takes the student through open-ended communication. Homework Help accompanies the practice to help students achieve mastery of the concepts and real-life conversation activities are presented. Activities also encourage open communication to enable students to utilize the Spanish they have acquired. Cultural readings in the target language are presented in both text and audio format so that students are exposed to the Hispanic culture from around the world.